note to self (simplicity, materialism)

I go to other people’s homes and then get bombarded by art and beauty and then want to acquire more things. I too often get mired in the materialistic world– by inadvertently wanting a new gadget (e.g. iPhone), a new dress, or a new [insert item]. I think i try to justify that no, it’s not materialism, but it is. It is. I am so good at tricking myself to believe things that aren’t there.

But when I think about my 10 year goal (!), I imagine harvesting my own honey, growing my own mint, and finding time to travel and by then (have gone to some other continents). I imagine myself being healthy because being active is part of my day, knowing a lot (how to cook, how to fix things (medically and just ‘normal-life’ wise), and also I would like to be fashionably chic with just a few pieces (but this last one might need some fine-tuning).

At the end, I don’t want to get hung up on things– and if anything (although the lack of money sometimes frustrates me), is the idea that 1) money can buy some happiness to a certain degree, but… the last couple of years with my family (under harsher financial constraints) I’ve gotten to share more experiences with my family–that could get lost in the fog of $ (that being said, $ is not necessarily poisonous, it can and it cannot be–depends on the person). But really, at the end of he day, I want freedom and knowledge. Knowledge is from being aware, conscious, and hardworking. Freedom is derived from having discipline and abstaining from other things that may either (a) eat up your time, or (b) eat up your emotional energies.

About ivtravels

I like questions, dreaming, doing things, and trying new experiences. Ask me.
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